FuzzyOcr 3.5.1 not seeing my images

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at USherbrooke.ca
Fri Jun 1 19:37:25 IST 2007

Denis Beauchemin a écrit :
> Gareth a écrit :
>> On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 13:33, Denis Beauchemin wrote:
>>> Gareth,
>>> I looked at the code and added some calls to infolog() which 
>>> resulted in $pdatalen being 0.
>>> Looks like the call to decode() is either broken or the email it is 
>>> working with is incomplete...
>>> Denis
>> I would run up perl CPAN and perform an update just to make sure you
>> have the latest copy of all the modules installed.
> Gareth,
> It didn't solve my problem...
> Digging some more, I found something interesting: I stopped MS but not 
> sendmail, then sent one email with a spammy picture.  In mqueue.in I 
> ran "spamassassin -D < d*" and got this error message:
>   [7149] dbg: FuzzyOcr: Skipping OCR, no image files found...
> I then copied both q* and d* (cat q* d* >new.email) into a new file 
> and experimented with the whole email.  Turns out I have to remove all 
> (?) sendmail control lines and "H*" control characters before FuzzyOcr 
> sees the picture...
> I just don't know in which format the email is presented to SA by 
> MS...  I will keep digging...
> Denis
I just upgraded to SA 3.2.0 (thanks Julian) and it solved my problem!


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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