Patch for languages.conf in spanish

René Berber r.berber at
Mon Jul 30 02:09:31 IST 2007


Tought this may be useful, I updated the strings that are still in english in
the above mentioned file for the current beta.

--- MailScanner-4.62.7/etc/reports/es/languages.conf-orig       2007-07-30
01:07:28.437500000 +0000
+++ MailScanner-4.62.7/etc/reports/es/languages.conf    2007-07-30
01:08:19.250000000 +0000
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 MCPblacklisted = MCP-Blacklisted
 MCPwhitelisted = MCP-Whitelisted
 MCPsadisabled = MCP disabled
-MCPsanoheaders = MCP Message had no headers
+MCPsanoheaders = MCP mensaje sin encabezados
 MCPsatimedout = MCP timed out
 # Used in passworded-archives checks
 UnreadableArchive = El mensaje contiene un anexo comprimido que no se puede leer
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 PossibleFraudEnd = </b></font>
 NumericLinkWarning = <font color="red"><b>MailScanner le advierte: los links
numericos son comunmente utilizados en actividades maliciosas:</b></font>
 # Used in "From:" header of many reports
-PostmasterName = Alerce
+PostmasterName = Postmaster
 GSDisabled = El Analizador de Mensajes no deseados a medida fue deshabilitado
debido a fallas repetidas
 # Used in simple filename allow/deny rules (not filename.rules.conf)
 FoundBlockedFilename = Se detecto un nombre de archivo bloqueado
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 cached = almacenado
 notcached = no almacenado
 # Used when testing message size against Max Spam Check Size
-skippedastoobig = not spam (too large)
+skippedastoobig = no es spam (demasiado grande)
 # Used in the watermarking spam report
 watermarked = watermarked
-NoticeSizeInfected = Attachment detected outside size limits
+NoticeSizeInfected = Adjunto detectado fuera de limites de tamaño

René Berber

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