sendmail split queues and MailScanner

Matt Hampton matt at
Sat Jul 28 21:33:40 IST 2007

Vlad Mazek wrote:
> A while back someone wrote about the sendmail implementation with split
> quarantines where one was processing mail that got one more more RBL
> hits and the other one processed the mail that wasn't on blacklists at
> all; figuring that it would speed up the delivery of non-spam and still
> not risk rejection of legitimate mail sent by servers that could have
> ended up on an RBL for a number of reasons.

That was me.  However it was based on the assumption that MailScanner
can prioritize one queue over another which it can't at present.

It is on my long list to look at again after the baby is born (due this
week :-)  )


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