Request for comments 3

DAve dave.list at
Tue Jul 24 15:49:30 IST 2007

Julian Field wrote:
> Steve Freegard wrote:
>> Hi Jules,
>> Julian Field wrote:
>>> How about now? It's not in MCP yet, is that a problem? Shouldn't be, 
>>> as it shouldn't actually make much difference to this functionality 
>>> (it is working off SA rule names, not scores, so it doesn't matter if 
>>> other rules fire as well).
>> Exactly what I was thinking - wouldn't this new method enable MCP-type 
>> things but without the need for a second SA run (and the rather large 
>> associated overhead of doing this).
>> You could simply create the MCP rules and score them as 0.001, then 
>> use the new feature to quarantine if any of the MCP rule actually fire.
>> The only thing lacking here is the ability to quarantine the file in 
>> the mcp quarantine instead of the spam quarantine.  Maybe adding 
>> 'store:mcp' could be an option to mark the message as MCP and store in 
>> the MCP quarantine directory???
> I have just added 4 more actions:
> store-nonspam
> store-spam
> store-nonmcp
> store-mcp
> The original "store" action is still there and will work exactly how it 
> always has done.

So can we believe that a dir structure like so is setup?

store-nonspam and store-nonmcp are stored here,

store-spam is stored here,

store-mcp is stored here,


Three years now I've asked Google why they don't have a
logo change for Memorial Day. Why do they choose to do logos
for other non-international holidays, but nothing for

Maybe they forgot who made that choice possible.

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