MS Wiki and split recipients

Scott Silva ssilva at
Mon Jul 23 20:44:51 IST 2007

Glenn Steen spake the following on 7/23/2007 12:13 PM:
> On 23/07/07, DAve <dave.list at> wrote:
>> Scott Silva wrote:
>> > DAve spake the following on 7/23/2007 7:03 AM:
>> >> Matt Hampton wrote:
>> >>> DAve wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> and I noticed an addendum. I don't think the addendum will work as
>> >>>> stated. I believe following the addendum instructions will cause
>> >>>> Sendmail to accept only messages with a single recipient.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Can someone confirm that, or clue bat me, as the case may be.
>> >>>>
>> >>> I think you are right (I re-wrote the original page and hadn't
>> noticed
>> >>> the addendum).
>> >>>
>> >>> What it will cause is sendmail will accept the first recipient and
>> then
>> >>> temp fail the rest.  This would cause the message to require X
>> attempts
>> >>> to deliver the message (where X is the number of recipients).
>> >>>
>> >>> matt
>> >> Do we know who added that? Can it be removed or correctly
>> annotated? It
>> >> would cause every message MailScanner sees to be single recipient, but
>> >> at a high cost. My listmail software would be unhappy sending to
>> some of
>> >> our client's internal mail lists with 100+ subscribers.
>> >>
>> >> DAve
>> >>
>> > If you are logged in you can see who made each change with the old
>> revisions
>> > button, and even revert to an older page.
>> >
>> Looks like I will need a login then. I'll make a note to fix it when I
>> get back to working on the test MS server.
>> DAve
> It's the very idea with a wiki.... You see something that need
> changing... then you do it;-)... Or Matt, as it turned out this
> time:-D
> We can always have more fresh eyes/ideas pouring over/into the
> wiki..... So please do register.
> Cheers
It is also the downside of a wiki... You can have too many cooks seasoning the


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