Request for comments 3

John Wilcock john at
Mon Jul 23 10:03:53 IST 2007

Julian Field wrote:
> How about this instead?
> SpamAssassin Rule Actions = rulename=>action, rulename=>action, ....
> the "rulename"s are the names of individual SpamAssassin rules, and the 
> "action"s are list those in "Spam Actions". To specify multiple actions 
> for a rule, you specify the rulename several times, with one action for 
> each. Expressions with SpamAssassin rules are done with SpamAssassin 
> meta-rules. If the rule hits, the action is taken.
> I'll write a few examples of meta-rules so you can see how to write them 
> in spam.assassin.rules.conf or wherever they need to go. Mr Kettler, can 
> you correct me on this please?
> Does this sound more useful than the previous suggestions?

Sounds good, yes.

Are the actions intended to *replace* the default non spam, spam or high 
scoring spam actions, or are they taken in *addition* to those actions?

IMO additional actions would be more flexible, but would need the 
ability to negate an action, i.e. take a particular action by default 
*unless* such-and-such rule hits.

Non Spam Actions = deliver
Spam Actions = deliver,store
High Scoring Spam Actions = store

SpamAssassin Rule Actions =
	MY_SPECIAL_RULE=>forward theboss at domain


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