SV: pdf spam turned into excel spam

Jan Agermose ja at
Sun Jul 22 21:23:25 IST 2007

Im sure you are right :-D 

Actually I got a link to a clamav extension if someone would find that interesting:

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: mailscanner-bounces at [mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] På vegne af Scott Silva
Sendt: 22. juli 2007 22:17
Til: mailscanner at
Emne: Re: pdf spam turned into excel spam

Jan Agermose spake the following on 7/22/2007 2:19 AM:
> Hi
> I've noticed that what we have seen the last week as PDF spam is now
> getting send as excel files with spam. 
> Im using this PDFInfo plugin and it works perfect - does anyone know if
> there is work on a excel plugin? Or has anyone written any other rules
> to counter this?
> Best regards
> Jan
I'm sure the b&s!&rd$ will adapt again as soon as someone does.


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