MailScanner broken suddenly?!?!

Rick Chadderdon mailscanner at
Fri Jul 20 21:20:32 IST 2007

Gottschalk, David wrote:
> ClamAV 0.90.3/3707/Fri Jul 20 12:08:45 2007
> I think this is a different problem though, because it happened all at once. The children were hanging for 20+ mins or more until I realized they were doing nothing but what that trace showed me.

Yes, but the trace looks as though it's loading signatures.  My server
was taking about 5 minutes to launch 5 children until I upgraded clamav
(and switched to clamd).  The greater number of children you have might
be strangling I/O trying to load up signatures that many times at once. 
I'll bet top shows your CPU completely consumed while those are starting.


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