Request for comments

Steven Andrews sandrews at
Fri Jul 20 15:48:42 IST 2007

No, I'm pretty sure I was suggesting an Adjust SA Score by a ruleset.


-----Original Message-----
From: mailscanner-bounces at
[mailto:mailscanner-bounces at] On Behalf Of Matt
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 10:32 AM
To: MailScanner discussion
Subject: Re: Request for comments

Julian Field wrote:
> That would be easy to add. Would many people use it?
> It would just be an "Adjust SpamAssassin Score" configuration option.

I don't think that would be useful Julian. If they wanted to adjust the
SA score, that's easy to do in SA. It's also not what Steven was
suggesting, at least as far as I can tell.

As I understand it, Steven was to allow checking for a particular SA
rule-hit in a ruleset (ie: SPF_FAIL). Not to modify the score.

Unfortunately, the big question is what ruleset would you use this in?

This could be useful in a "Spam Actions" ruleset. You could then use
specific SA rules to further modify your spam actions.

But really this would almost need the creation of a "All Messages
ruleset. Because you'd really want to use it on all messages, not just
ones over the spam or high-spam score thresholds.

ie: If I wanted to quarantine all messages matching some rule, say one
of the ImageInfo or PDFInfo rules, I'd want to do it to all messages,
even FN's.

> I'm still unconvinced that adding the Subject matching would actually 
> get used by many people. Very few people have said "yes, I have a 
> definite need and a use for it".

I somewhat agree.. I could possibly see it to bypass SpamAssassin
scanning based on subject text, but other features of the message would
be better for this than subject lines.

(that said, matching a List-Id: or X-BeenThere: header might be nice for
lists that keep changing their sending servers.)

>> An alternative suggestion would be to allow MailScanner rulesets 
>> based on SA rule names. This could be potentially far more flexible 
>> than just based on the Subject:, enabling you to take action on just 
>> about anything in the message. Simply write a custom rule, score it 
>> at 0.001 if you don't want it to affect the spam score, and trigger a

>> MailScanner action as a result. Got doubts about a new rule's false
positive rate?
>> No problem, quarantine all messages that hit the rule. The 
>> possibilities are endless.
>> John.
> Jules

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