Uninstall MailScanner

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Mon Jul 16 06:38:57 IST 2007

On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, Wilson Kwok wrote:

>     I was posted this message, but still no anwser how to uninstall MailScanner ? please help

Frankly. If you have no clue how to uninstall it yourself then I have some 
serious doubts wether any instruction here will be sfficient. You most 
likely end up with a system you still do not understand.

After all you propably got the instructions also on the system you want to 
remove it from.

I recommend you do not post again untill you took the time to read the 
responses and deliver the information everyone is asking for.


 	hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org	http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
 	    This message is using 100% recycled electrons.

 	Some men see computers as they are and say "Windows"
 	I use computers with Linux and say "Why Windows?"
 		(Thanks JFK, for the insight.)

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