installation for mailscanner

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Sun Jul 15 21:08:52 IST 2007

On 15/07/07, mailadmin at <mailadmin at> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am new to mailscanner n have gone throght the docs..
> but wanna clear a few doubts b4
> the following have already been installed
> Centos 4.5
> perl-5.8.5-36.RHEL4
> spamassassin-3.2.1-1.el4.rf
> clamav-0.91-1.el4.rf
> I downloaded the (install-Clam-0.91-SA-3.2.1) and read the
> script says
> --------------------------------------------------
> 'If you want to use MailScanners support for Clamd (virus-scanning'
> echo 'daemon) then I recommend you cancel this script now (press Ctrl-C)'
> echo 'and install the RPMs for clamav, clamav-db and clamd from'
> echo ''
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> so i did the above and hence have the above


> but later in the install script i see the followin
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  echo
>   echo '*** IMPORTANT ***'
>   sleep 2
>   echo I could not find your MailScanner virus.scanners.conf file.
>   echo Please locate the file yourself and edit the clamav and clamd lines
> in it.
>   echo On those 2 lines, the path at the end of each line needs to be
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> now im confused ..
> 1) do i ned to run the script in /install-Clam-0.91-SA-3.2.1
> directory since it will install not only clamav but also spamassassin as i
> dont see any clamav.conf file. OR do i have to install the mailScanner
> software first

With what you have already you don't need to install Jules clam+SA
package, no. You are basically ready to install the main MailScanner
package now (via the rpm package and runniing the in
that... not reading it... Methinks you should lay of reading the scripts in favour of actually running them, they will tell
you everything you need know....;-).

> appreciate if you can tell me the steps
If you are keen on reading up on things, you are better off reading:
1) Jules page on installation.
2) The MAQ and the wiki.
3) The book.

> also i see that
> echo 'Now you need to install:'
> echo '1) Razor-agents-sdk and Razor2 from and'
> echo '2) DCC from and'
> echo '3) Rules_Du_Jour from'
> how do i know if my system has already the above installed .
You don't. Go get them (and possily pyzor too)... The MAQ and wiki has
all relevant details on this too.

> Thanks and Apprecite
> regards
> simon

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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