How to uninstall MailScanner ?

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Sat Jul 14 14:50:47 IST 2007

Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jul 2007, Wilson Kwok wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     Can anyone teach me how to uninstall MailScaner ?
> `rm -rf /` should get rid of it. It will propably also kill your 
> resume and your job at that but those are minor nuisances.
Ouch! Seems to be Hugo's newbie patience quota is running a little low 
these days ;-)

But in all fairness, it all comes down to stopping MailScanner and 
restarting your regular MTA "by itself", and telling your system to 
"keep it that way". As pointed out before, on a RedHat-like system using 
RPM's, that would be something like "chkconfig MailScanner off" followed 
by "chkconfig sendmail on" or something similar.

I wouldn't get rid of the MailScanner install just yet - users will be 
screaming for it to come back! :-)
> Hugo.

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