Watermarking returns+ graphical signatures

Matt Hampton matt at coders.co.uk
Thu Jul 12 21:34:18 IST 2007

Julian Field wrote:

> 3 Added optional image to the clean message signature. You can also use this
>   to add an arbitrary image attachment to any message, if you so wish. The
>   main point is to be able to have graphical HTML signatures on messages.
>   The settings are
>   Attach Image To Signature = no
>   Attach Image To HTML Message Only = yes
>   Signature Image Filename = %report-dir%/sig.jpg
>   Signature Image <img> Filename = signature.jpg

What Jules forgot to mention:

>From MailScanner.conf:

# When using an image in the signature, there are 2 filenames which need
# to be set. The first is the location in this server's filesystem of
# the image file itself. The second is the name of the image as it is
# stored in the attachment. The HTML version of the signature will refer
# to this second name in the HTML <img> tag.
Signature Image Filename = %report-dir%/sig.jpg

This file name must end with the the same extension as the MIME Type


.gif for GIF
.jpeg for JPEG (not .jpg as in the example)
.png for PNG

Hope this make sense.


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