A very slow MS 4.62.2-3 & SA 3.2.1 & ClamAV 0.91 machine

shuttlebox shuttlebox at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 20:04:14 IST 2007

On 7/12/07, Gottschalk, David <dgottsc at emory.edu> wrote:
> My understanding of the dns_available settings was merely to check if DNS was working properly before it attempted to do DNS checks.
> Do I not understand that setting correctly?

>From SA man page:
dns_available { yes | test[: name1 name2...] | no } (default: test)
    By default, SpamAssassin will query some default hosts on the
internet to attempt to check if DNS is working on not. The problem is
that it can introduce some delay if your network connection is down,
and in some cases it can wrongly guess that DNS is unavailable because
the test connections failed. SpamAssassin includes a default set of 13
servers, among which 3 are picked randomly.

    You can however specify your own list by specifying

    dns_available test: server1.tld server2.tld server3.tld

    Please note, the DNS test queries for MX records so if you specify
your own list of servers, please make sure to choose the one(s) which
has an associated MX record.

If you want to save time not doing the test, set it to yes. Do not set
it to no unless you really don't have DNS service.


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