Mail System Redesign

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at
Thu Jul 12 06:39:11 IST 2007

On Wed, 11 Jul 2007, Jay Chandler wrote:

> I have a few problems with this setup.  The first is user dissatisfaction. 
> They want the ability to white and black list individual senders (and 
> possibly domains), preferably as close to the beginning of the process as 
> possible.  Obviously I don't want one user's whitelisting of to 
> affect anyone but that particular user.  As of now we have no individual 
> white or black listing.

MailWatch can do this for your users. You should be able to add this to 
your setup in a jiffy.


 	hvdkooij at
 	    This message is using 100% recycled electrons.

 	Some men see computers as they are and say "Windows"
 	I use computers with Linux and say "Why Windows?"
 		(Thanks JFK, for the insight.)

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