Postfix Address Verification

Gerard gerard at
Fri Jul 6 12:19:11 IST 2007

On July 06, 2007 at 06:50AM Rob Sterenborg wrote:


> I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that; I'm not native English: I guess
> "sanitize" was not the correct word.. I meant to say what you are saying
> below but your comment is more in depth.
> What I don't understand however, is how I would be open to abuse by
> sending a sanitized version op postconf -n instead of the original
> output. The full original output certainly can contain information you
> don't want to spread on the list. With sanitized I meant that the output
> of postconf -n would have that information obfuscated.

We are probably talking about the say thing. I was under the
impression that you meant for the OP to send only selected portions of
the output of 'postconf -n' rather than the entire output. The problem
is that so many users, especially those using 'virtual' addressing, or
anything to do with 'virtual',  redact the file so badly that nobody
is able to easily spot where the problem is. To obscure a domain name,
when the poster is in fact using that same name in his/her email
address is ridiculous. In any case, the more complete the information
that is supplied is, the better chance of getting a satisfactory


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