{MailScanner: Spam} Re: OT: building new server, need MTA advice

Dennis Willson taz at taz-mania.com
Wed Jan 31 21:28:37 CET 2007

Julian probably doesn't want to show a preference, but it would be 
nice to know which one he finds easier to support, has less trouble 
with, gives the best implementation for MS, etc..

Also, while I use a specific mail server for my MailScanner hubs, it's 
more out of the fact that I have been using it for years and am happy 
enough with it and understand it enought that I don't feel motivated 
to learn a new one. 

A table of feature comparisions would be nice...
One thing that I fee I must have is the ability to use Milters. There 
are so many really good Milters out there and now that I have written 
a couple of my own I feel that is a must have. I know that Sendmail 
and Postfix support Milters, but do any others?

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