SOT: AntiVirus Software

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Jan 26 23:53:14 CET 2007

Dimitri Yioulos spake the following on 1/26/2007 2:37 PM:
> On Friday 26 January 2007 5:07 pm, Scott Silva wrote:
>> Dimitri Yioulos spake the following on 1/26/2007 5:59 AM:
>>> On Friday 26 January 2007 8:50 am, Glenn Steen wrote:
>>>> On 26/01/07, Dimitri Yioulos <dyioulos at> wrote:
>>>> (snip)
>>>>> I apologize if I'm taking this post OT, but is anyone using the "free"
>>>>> BitDefender console version with MS?  I installed it, and ran MS
>>>>> bitdefender-autoupdate, which seemed to work.  But, it's hard to tell
>>>>> if the virus signatures were truly updated.  Does anyone know if this
>>>>> is the case? Also, must bitdefender be "started"?  If so, how?  And,
>>>>> finally, should bitdefender-autoupdate be run as a cron job, or does MS
>>>>> handle that?
>>>> I would say that all of us that use bdc (well, pretty close to all ...
>>>> at least:-) are using the "free console version".
>>>> You do not need run the autoupdate script by hand, it will be run (as
>>>> any _installed_ AVs autoupdate-script... Whether it is used is
>>>> immaterial, if it's there, MS will update it) by the
>>>> update_virus_scanners script that the MS install places into cron
>>>> (well, at least for the RPM install, you might need schedule it by
>>>> hand on the tarball install, and I imagine the freebsd port to do
>>>> something appropriate to that:-).
>>>> So... basically there is _no_ setup needed to get updates.
>>>> And the update_virus_scanners script/teh autoupdate scripts will log
>>>> what it does, and possibly what result (update, no update needed etc)
>>>> to your maillog, and possibly some place else... In the case of
>>>> ClamAV, there is a file /tmp/ClamAv.update.log (or similar) that you
>>>> can look at for details, and for bdc there is
>>>> /var/log/bitdefender_updater.log ... And if you want it at a glance,
>>>> and use MailWatch there one can look at the Tools page (I don't recall
>>>> if one had to add the script for this, or if it is part of 1.0.3 ...
>>>> The answer to that is somewhere in the MailWatch mailing list
>>>> archives). Hm. Perhaps I should update the bitdefender wiki page with
>>>> this info... When I get the time:-).
>>>> Enough?
>>>> Cheers
>>>> --
>>>> -- Glenn
>>>> email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
>>>> work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se
>>>> --
>>> More than.  Thanks, Glenn.  All I need to do now is figure out the
>>> MaiWatch piece (if anybody knows how to, I'd appreciate it).
>> If mailwatch doesn't have the bitdefender status page by default, one of us
>> will send it to you.
>> We are a full service list... most of the time  ;-D
> Scott,
> I'll take you up on the offer.  Btw, I do all my shopping here :-)  .
> Dimitri
I sent it in reply to another thread, but I seem to remember also adding
something to other.php. Look around this area. The code between f-prot and the
mysql status.

preg_match('/mcafee/i',get_conf_var('VirusScanners'))): ?>
     <LI><A HREF="mcafee_status.php">McAfee Status</A>
    <? endif; ?>
preg_match('/f-prot/i',get_conf_var('VirusScanners'))): ?>
     <LI><A HREF="f-prot_status.php">F-Prot Status</A>
    <? endif; ?>
preg_match('/bitdefender/i',get_conf_var('VirusScanners'))): ?>
    <LI><A HREF="bitdefender_status.php">BitDefender Status</A>
    <? endif; ?>
    <? if($GLOBALS['user_type'] == 'A'): ?>
    <LI><A HREF="mysql_status.php">MySQL Database Status</A>
    <? endif; ?>
    <? if(!DISTRIBUTED_SETUP && $GLOBALS['user_type'] == 'A'): ?>


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