Two servers, identical configs,one won't tag messages.

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Fri Jan 26 13:17:48 CET 2007

On 25/01/07, Jay Chandler <chandler.lists at> wrote:
> Scott Silva wrote:
> > Maybe a MailScanner -V to see if a module is different?
> >
> Just checked.  A diff shows that the ONLY difference is the uname -a string.
> These boxes are kept current via the Ports tree within FreeBSD, so
> everything builds off the same source.
> I've tried forcibly recompiling everything on the box, and still no luck.
> This one's driving me crazy-- any assistance would be super, as I'm
> starting to get asked some awkward questions!
You're not alone... If erally nothing diffs, this should not be happening.
You didn't do something like edit a config file in a windoze editor or
somesuch? Stray "unprintable" characters could .-.. "liven things up"
so to speak:-). Yeah, it's a bit of a "reaching for straws while
drowning", but ... even the sun has spots:-).
If you tirn off the "only thing differing" (fuzzy), does it start
tagging things again?

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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