Greylisting (WAS: Re: MailScanner ANNOUNCE: 4.57 released)

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Mon Jan 15 20:43:09 CET 2007

It really is monday today, isn't it:-)...

On 15/01/07, Glenn Steen <glenn.steen at> wrote:
> Well, after reading some code I at least know what is going on, and
> why it doesn't work:-).
> Wietse seems to have wanted a way to ... noninvasively... insert
> additional data into the Postfix queue file without having to rewrite
> the whole thing (as we more or less do in MailScanner), so that
> milters could just "tag on" new recipients and headers.
> To that effect he made it so that there might be two (or more? I'm not
> really clear on this yet, but iut seems there will only be one p
> record for additional recipients, but perhaps one per added header)
> records of type "p" (for pointer) that has a "value part" of 0 by
> default, meaning no "extra info" is to be inserted at that point. If
> there is a non-zero value, this is an absolute offset to fseek to for
> the actual inserted part, followed by another p record with an
> absolute offset to jump back up into the file to the original "jumpoff
> point" (after the original p record). The added records are tagged on
> after the end record (and a null character denoting end of file?). As
> one can guess, much of Wietses patches regarding milter support seem
> to focus on detecting and handling missbehaving subsystems that create
> p record message loops (wrong "jump-back offsets" leading to endless
> loops ("here we GOTO again!":-)).

This description is slightly wrong. Looking again, one can see that
the p records ("jumpoff points", or branches, if you like:-) can be
located at three different places in the queue file:
1) just after the first set of O and R records (before the M record),
2) just after the headers in the M record, but before the body (before
the empty N record)
3) at the same place we place our modifications... after the body,
before X and E (Not at work, might remember this wrong...might be just
before the E, but I think it's the same place where we add things.
This hit me when idly thinking about work on the train home... That
is, almost nodding off on the train home:-)

The rest should be correct though.
> Currently this only seem to affect milters, and only milters that
> would add recipients and/or message headers. Perhaps this will also be
> used to ... modify... the body later on, when that type of milter
> action is to be supported as well.
> This p record thing doesn't sit that well wil how MailScanner
> currently (I've been looking at 4.57.6, but will take a look at 4.58.4
> too... I don't suppose there are any changes worth mentioning
> though:-) decipher a postfix queue file since we both copy any
> "unknown" records as is (p records are ... unknown .... to us:), add
> in our own headers/recipients/whatnot as needed (making the absolute
> offsets plain wrong), as well as (in all likelihood) not copying the
> data "after the end record" to the right place (if at all).
> Ergo Nerijus problem.
> Now, I see at least three somewhat different solutions:
> 1) Simply enhance the ReadQf function so that it understands and
> handles p records (meaning we will copy over the actual data added by
> milters, not the p records themselves).
> 2) recalculate the offsets and make sure the precords ar correct, as
> well as the "after end" data being where it is supposed to be.
> 3) Rewrite MailScanner to use the same p record method of adding
> recipients and headers, which of course implies, in a way, that we
> would reimplement the file from scratch... more or less.
> I'm hugely in favour of doing number 1), since this will be
> a) simplest to implement
> b) least amount of code touched
> c) probably safest... We'll have to look at doing pretty much the same
> sanity checks that Wietse does, but that shouldn't be a huge problem.
> d) in keeping with the MailScanner philosophy:-). When we start
> decomposing the PF queue files, they stop being queue files. When we
> reassemble the queue file, it is a completely new queue file, with a
> ne ID ... Why should we preserve a "bandaid like" thing that we don't
> need;-).
> If I get a little teensy bit of time, I'll make a stab at some code
> for handling p records as suggested in #1.
> Cheers
> --
> -- Glenn
> email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
> work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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