slightly OT - mailwatch + mailscanner-mrtg

Sylvain Phaneuf Sylvain.Phaneuf at
Fri Jan 12 10:00:35 CET 2007


I have posted something similar on the mailwatch forum, but nobody
bothered to reply... poor little me, I am being ignored...

Can somebody explained something to me or point me in the right
direction please?

I have installed Mailwatch last week and I am kicking myself for not
doing it a long time ago. It is a very impressive monitoring tool.  

One thing that I cannot understand is the reporting of the number of
messages processed. For example MailScanner-MRTG tells me that we
received 51,805 messages on one of our gateways yesterday (a modified
vispan script gives me 51,746). If I create a report to find the number
of messages processed in Mailwatch, I get "Message count = 21,470". 

But if I look at the spam statistics, I get figures that are much
mailwatch =  4,055
mailscanner-mrtg = 4,050
modified-vispan = 4,543

Call me crazy if you want, but I don't want to give up running
mailscanner-mrtg and vispan as they are each very useful. And obviously
I will keep running mailwatch!!! I am just trying to understand the
discrepancies or limitations of these products. 

MailScanner 4.55.10
Mailwatch 1.03
Vispan 1.4
MailsScanner-MRTG 2.12.2 
Sendmail 8.13.6

Is it likely that my system is not setup properly, or is there some
other explanation?

Thank in advance for your comments,



Sylvain Phaneuf --- Systems Manager | phone : +44 (0)1865 221323
Information Management Services Unit - Medical Sciences Division 
Oxford University | email : sylvain.phaneuf at 
Room 3A25B John Radcliffe Hospital | fax : +44 (0) 1865 221322
Oxford, OX3 9DU,   UK

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