Somethnig not passed to FuzzyOcr?

Rob Sterenborg R.Sterenborg at
Wed Jan 10 09:02:35 CET 2007


I recently installed FuzzyOcr (3.5.0-rc1, now 3.5.1) and got it to work
using MailScanner-4.51 and SpamAssassin-3.1.7 and Postfix-2.3.

Since a day or two focr isn't seeing images anymore when parsed via
MailScanner and possibly also the recipient email address seems missing.
(SpamAssassin itself does score the email.) When I send an image-spam
email focr is reporting this in it's log (focr_verbose 3):

2007-01-08 16:03:13 [8243] Starting FuzzyOcr...
2007-01-08 16:03:13 [8243] Processing Message with ID
"<1168268586.46292 at spamassassin_spamd_init>"
(ignore at -> <no receipients>)
2007-01-08 16:03:13 [8243] Skipping OCR, no image files found...

FuzzyOcr is working when I debug SA like this:

# su postfix -c "spamassassin -D < img_spam_message.txt"

[[[ *** SNIP *** ]]]

2007-01-08 16:13:24 [8292] Starting FuzzyOcr...
2007-01-08 16:13:24 [8292] Processing Message with ID

[[[ *** SNIP *** ]]]

2007-01-08 16:13:25 [8292] Message is spam, score = 6.000
2007-01-08 16:13:25 [8292] Adding Hash to table: "FuzzyOcr.Hash" with
score "6.000"

[[[ *** SNIP *** ]]]

2007-01-08 16:13:25 [8292] Remove DIR: /tmp/.spamassassin8292LkaP9ztmp
2007-01-08 16:13:25 [8292] FuzzyOcr ending successfully...
2007-01-08 16:13:25 [8292] Processed in 1.209402 sec.

SA lint gives an empty result so the configuration should contain no

Now, I must have changed something in the configuration because it
worked before but I can't find what it was..
I would appreciate some hints on where to fix this.


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