Greylisting (WAS: Re: MailScanner ANNOUNCE: 4.57 released)

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Jan 5 00:20:46 CET 2007

Julian Field spake the following on 1/4/2007 2:10 PM:
> Glenn Steen wrote:
>> BTW, if you don't mind a personal question... What ails you? Hopefully
>> something livable/curable?!
> A very long list. I have no portal vein (look it up) nor 2/3rds of my
> stomach. My digestive system is a Y shape (yours is an S shape if you
> think about it). The painful bit is an old operational scar, which
> forces a lot of blood through a bunch of very small veins, for which I
> live on pain-killers the same strength as morphine. It's "oxycodone"
> which you can look up. It's very strong, and highly addictive. It's said
> to be twice as hard to withdraw from as heroin. So that's great fun. Due
> to no portal vein and chronic liver disease from post-op complications,
> I have hepatic encephalopathy, which is basically when your blood
> poisons your brain, as a result of liver failure. And I have all sorts
> of blood problems too, protein C and K deficiences, vitamin K
> deficiency, which causes various other problems.
> The upshot is that I live on 100 pills per week, I have to go into
> hospital every 3 weeks for a blood check-up, and I have no memory to
> speak of, I forget everything.
> The only advantage is that I never feel hungry, due to the results of
> one of the (at least) dozen operations I've had.
> You asked :-)
> Jules
I am so sorry for the pain and suffering you go through, and can't even begin
to imagine what it must be like. I do know about the oxycodone withdrawals, as
I was on OxyContin (a timed-released version) for a few months after a car
If they could only repair your portal vein, it might clear up many of the
symptoms. The limited blood flow to the liver will cause many of problems, but
I am sure you have been told that many times.
How you find the strength to work as you do is a testimony to your strength of
will, as most people would not want to get out of bed, much less do a full
time job.

You are in my prayers!


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