URL-encoded filenames in reports

Rick Chadderdon mailscanner at yeticomputers.com
Fri Feb 23 18:29:13 CET 2007

Simon Walter wrote:
> Hello
> Is there a way to get the filename of files which got stored in
> quarantine as url-encoded string?
> Using $filename in reportfiles doesn't work for files with spaces or
> special characters if the filename is used as part of an url.
> See: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=410647

I would probably handle this with PHP.  The line in my corresponding
report .txt file would be something like:

and I would use my script to handle directing people to the correct file. 

Unfortunately, I have too many users who would retrieve *any* file -
virus, spam or other - to give them this kind of a tool.

I just fiddled with it a little bit, and it seems as if this would work
just fine.  Now you made me want to test it...


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