After upgrading Mail-ClamAV: ClamAV Perl module not found, did you install it?

Alex Neuman van der Hans alex at
Mon Feb 19 18:31:20 CET 2007

Gerard Seibert wrote:
>> The module doesn't work with the latest version of clamav. See every 
>> other post regarding clamav .90 on the list. I guess we'll have to
>> wait for someone to modify Mail::ClamAV in the meantime.
> That someone would be Scott Beck <sbeck at>. I have
> forwarded this to him in the hopes that he will look into this problem.

The beauty of OSS is that "that someone" could also be you or I, if we 
were so inclined (and gifted)... Alas, I am more *challenged* than 
*gifted* when it comes to programming. Perl is all but greek to me...


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