After upgrading Mail-ClamAV: ClamAV Perl module not found, did you install it?

Keith Wessel kwessel at
Mon Feb 19 16:55:39 CET 2007


I upgraded Mail::ClamAV to the latest version using CPAN this morning.
It's been working great for me for the past couple years through a
number of ClamAV and MailScanner upgrades. I upgraded the Perl module in
an attempt to get rid of a MaxCompressionRatio problem I was having with
ClamAV. Perl module wasn't reading the clamd.conf file.

But after

cpan> install Mail-ClamAV

I now get

ClamAV Perl not found, did you install it?

in my mail log.

I can run

perl -e "require Mail::ClamAV"

from a prompt without incident, so I know the module's installed. And
I'm using /usr/bin/perl for both MailScanner and from the prompt, so I'm
positive everything's running from the same Perl installation.

Any thoughts on why MailScanner might not be finding the module after
upgrading it?

I've fallen back to using clamav instead of clamavmodule in the meantime
to keep things up and running, but it doesn't seem to be as efficient.

Any help would be appreciated.


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