"replace this with that" strings
Ken A
ka at pacific.net
Fri Feb 16 18:38:35 CET 2007
Daniel Maher wrote:
> Hello all,
> Lately, I have received a large number of Spams which instruct my users to "replace <this> with <that>" in order to create a valid URL. I was wondering if anybody had an effective way to block these. My first instinct is to create a simple SA rule - if somebody else has already made one that seems to work, I'd rather not re-invent the wheel. :-)
I'm not a regex expert. (ianare?) .. but this is working pretty well
here - it probably hits a few ham, but I don't log non-spam, so not sure!
describe __LOCAL_BLOCK_REP_THING1 replace this with that
body __LOCAL_BLOCK_REP_THING2 /\bremove
?(the)?\s(?:"."|'.'|space)\s(?:in the|from the|above|below)/i
describe __LOCAL_BLOCK_REP_THING2 replace this with that
describe LOCAL_BLOCK_REP_THING replace or remove a char
other metrics usually push it over the top tho (combine it with a check
for meds, etc..)
Ken A
> Thanks!
> --
> _
> °v° Daniel Maher
> /(_)\ Administrateur Système Unix
> ^ ^ Unix System Administrator
> Four elements!
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