Recent issue with SORBS
res at
Thu Feb 15 22:15:28 CET 2007
On Thu, 15 Feb 2007, am.lists wrote:
> We contacted SORBS: They said that "it's up to [us] to choose where
> we want to be hosted, and we're currently hosting in the Internet
> equivalent of a crack slum"
This is quite possible, some hosting companies dont care if their
customers use raped windows boxes or whatever that are exploiting and
hosting bouncers for hackers and other malicous acts, so long as they get
paid their monthly host fee, they do nothing. There was a perdiod last
year where I blocked a large porportion of the 66.x.x.x range on border
routers for 2 months because of this, one of our customers had a customer
in that range, who had a contact in the U.S and had that host providor
bitch slapped for ignoring all the reports (apparently interpol had many
complaints as well).
> We contacted our Host Facility: They said that SORBS is essentially an
> extortionist organization. They ask you to pay a fine ($50) to delist
> the block. As a large organization, sometimes customers do send a
> message that is classified as spam. As a responsible hosting provider,
> they deal with them accordingly. Specifically, if one of the
> blacklists notifies them of an infraction, they give the customer one
> warning. There is no second warning and their account is turned off.
It would be nice if RBL's did this but the reality is none except
spamcop do (unless the spammer hits a spamtrap address in which case they
dont) no other RBL has ever sent any warnings, so it is unfair to single
out SORBS in this case.
> So. We have two very different points of view. Who's right? Does
> anyone else have any experience with this sort of thing one way or the
> other?
> I believe we have our single-IP whitelisted on SORBS for now, but it
> sounds like this is an ugly, ugly situation.
I've dealt with SORBS at great length due having many many virus
infected-spamming L-users, unless you are a regular offender they wont
demand monies, we've never had to pay them, but we do take a hard line
on spammers, where many companies don't.
Also, they dont block you willy nilly on spam, they have an interesting
criteria, one that I find accpetable and reasonably fool-proof for spam,
so chances are it was deserving to be blocked at some time, regrettably
probably not by you, it only takes one dropkick to reck it for a thousand.
> Angelo
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