Mailscanner repository for centos 4.x

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Feb 14 20:22:06 CET 2007

Randal, Phil spake the following on 2/14/2007 7:46 AM:
> But what about the manual step of running
>   upgrade_mailscanner_conf
>   upgrade_languages_conf
> This will be completely overlooked in an automated "yum update" context.
Everything but the (AND CHECKING....) could be done in rpm macros.
But then what would our bosses pay us the big bucks for?
If I didn't work so hard, they would probably even charge me for the coffee!

Actually, someone with decent coding skills could write a shell script to get
the new version every month and do most of the work. It could do the upgrade
of the scripts to a point of mailing a diff to the admin and stop there.

But it only takes a few minutes a month to do it manually, unless you are
testing the betas, then you have more time to spend with it anyway.


MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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