LookOUT 2007
gerard at seibercom.net
Tue Feb 13 00:08:49 CET 2007
On Monday February 12, 2007 at 06:00:05 (PM) Rick Chadderdon wrote:
> And, to stay on topic, Outlook 2007 runs quite poorly on this box.
> Well, for what I do.
> My current IMAP archive of this list begins in August 2005. The IMAP
> archive for my primary address holds all of my mail since 1998. That's
> a lot of mail, in case you're wondering. The SPAM folder alone contains
> more than 114,000 messages (I keep them for sentimental reasons... :) ),
> and there are probably 150 folders of sorted (and unsorted) mail. I
> added only those 2 accounts to Outlook for testing purposes, and
> synchronized them via a LAN connection. Outlook feels a *lot* slower
> than Thunderbird with those same (and seven other) accounts active and
> synchronized (on the same machine). Actually, Thunderbird on my office
> machine, running Gentoo Linux with far less power (2.4G P4, 1.5G RAM,
> decent SATA hard drives) feels faster than Outlook 2007 does on the more
> powerful machine, again with the same accounts and more.
> I recognize that Outlook 2007 is more than just an email client, but
> *as* an email client, it stinks. And, in my opinion, one would be
> better suited to run (gasp) separate apps for each of the things Outlook
> does rather than use that bloated, slow application and compromise on
> *everything* it does.
That is quite a large number of messages indeed. I agree, I use Becky
Internet Mail on my Win boxes and KMail on the FreeBSD ones. I have
never had any real problem with OutLook. I just don't need all it offers.
However, MS Office is another story. It is still the finest single
office product that I have used, and I have tried dozens of them. It
appears to work fine under Vista, although I have not given it a through
workout yet. Heck, I haven't even purchased my new unit yet. I want to
wait until after 4/15 to do that.
The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he
didn't exist.
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