[OT] LookOUT 2007
Jay Chandler
chandler.lists at chapman.edu
Mon Feb 12 23:31:45 CET 2007
Gerard Seibert wrote:
> On Monday February 12, 2007 at 04:56:24 (PM) Res wrote:
>> Yeah, and what will be the requirment in the next version on winblows,
>> a supercomputer, and thats just for basics :P
> Are you suggesting that we all go back to using 8086 based PC's?
No. I'm suggesting that a modern OS shouldn't need three quarters of
your hardware resources just to BOOT.
> Seriously, Every few years I buy another PC. I then add the older one
> to my network; however, that is another story. I was just waiting for
> the new Vista to be released before I purchased a new PC. that way I can
> get both at the same time.
I used Vista for a week on a laptop that was purchased within the last
six months and branded as "Vista Ready!" It ran like crap, the driver
support for the touchpad was abysmal, and it lived in virtual memory.
I'll run XP until I can't anymore. After that, FreeBSD on the desktop
is looking more and more attractive.
> If it weren't for MicroSoft virtually forcing hardware developers to
> improve their offerings, we would probably still be stuck with 386's
> and 12mb. of memory. Somebody has got to push the envelope, and
> MicroSoft is the only OS doing it.
Are you seriously suggesting that their inefficient coding style is a
GOOD thing? Try benchmarking any machine running Vista to the same
hardware platform on ANY OTHER OS you can think of. I'd bet quite a bit
that Vista comes out the loser each time. "Pushing the envelope"
doesn't equate to "coding for crap" in my world.
> Besides, if I remember correctly, my first PC was an 8086 that cost approximately $2000. with everything. My last was a Dell 4550, 3.1 GHZ HT, 1024 memory and 120Gig HD. It cost
> just $1950. Considering that my pay scale is higher now than it was in
> 1983, I consider that a 'good deal'.
Back then, computers were specialty items-- now, they're commodities.
Let's not skirt the issue too much...
> Anyway, what ever floats you boat!
Agreed, but MAN, Vista is crap.
Jay Chandler
Network Administrator, Chapman University
714.628.7249 / chandler at chapman.edu
Today's Excuse: Dyslexics retyping hosts file on servers
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