extract all images from spam folder?

Chris Yuzik itdept at fractalweb.com
Tue Feb 6 04:30:44 CET 2007

Glenn Steen wrote:
> A) Don't quarantine the queue files, let MS save the rfc822 format
> message file and all attachments... Kind of makes this excercise
> almost too simple:-).
> B) Use MailWatch (which happen to need the above settings anyway, so
> you can look it up there:-).

I presume you mean this section of MailScanner.conf?

    # When you quarantine an entire message, do you want to store it as
    # raw mail queue files (so you can easily send them onto users) or
    # as human-readable files (header then body in 1 file)?
    Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no

This is what I've already got, and it doesn't store the queue files but 
a single file containing the header, body, and any mime encoded attachments.

I'd like a quick way to extract all of those mime attachments for 
analysis and testing (with things like FuzzyOCR).

The interesting part is that MS already seems to store virus-infected 
messages with the attachments as separate files. Is there a way to get 
spam stored the same way?

Any ideas?


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