Greetpause seems very ineffective (Was: RE: Increased Volumes Of Spam)

Rob Poe rpoe at
Mon Feb 5 18:07:14 CET 2007

>> The problem with your annoyance at your paying customers who dont
>> greylisting comment here is, business emails are time critical, it
>> unacceptable to delay email destined for lawyers, real estates, 
>> accountants and every other company where time is crucial, like
>> vying for multi-million dollar contracts.

>minutes. I have my greylisting set to only force a 2 minute delay AND

>this only occurs on the very first send form one user to another, each

>additional email is not delayed at all.

>This is really not a valid excuse...

Actually, it is, yes.  I do MailScanning for a law firm that does
business with .. err .. multi billion dollar companies.  You'd KNOW the
name if I said it (which I won't - it's not necessary).  I run GL on my
servers, and have been seeing more and more corporate mails getting
delayed for very long periods of time ( > 1 day) because people are
using server that round-robin outgoing messages via multiple SMTP
servers ... and the GL module I use keeps everything in memory (not disk
/ sql) so if I have to restart it for (whatever) reason it loses the GL
tuple - then everything starts over again.  

Is the round robin sending a bad thing?  Yeah, it probably is.  But
it's not something *I* can control.  And I'm sorry, I'm not going to
lose a contract with that law firm because they missed a filing deadline
with the court because an email was delayed.  Email delivery isn't
guaranteed - but we (sysadmins across the globe) have made damn sure
that it makes it as QUICKLY as it can .. and the (l)users have gotten
used to it.  

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