Mail::ClamAV 0.20 patched to build with ClamAV 0.92

Scott Silva ssilva at
Fri Dec 21 04:51:26 GMT 2007

on 12/20/2007 12:42 PM Julian Field spake the following:
> Hash: SHA1
> Denis Beauchemin wrote:
>> Denis Beauchemin a écrit :
>>> Julian Field a écrit :
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> I have produced a patched version of this Perl module which should 
>>>> successfully build with ClamAV 0.92 installed.
>>>> So to upgrade a test system, download the newest ClamAV+SpamAssassin 
>>>> package (including ClamAV 0.92) from
>>>> Unpack and install it as normal. The installation of Mail::ClamAV 
>>>> will fail, that is to be expected.
>>>> Now download
>>>> Unpack and install it with
>>>> tar xzf Mail-ClamAV-0.20.JKF.tar.gz
>>>> cd Mail-ClamAV-0.20
>>>> perl Makefile.PL
>>>> make
>>>> make test
>>>> make install
>>>> If you're in luck today, that will successfully build, test and 
>>>> install.
>>>> Now you should be in business, with a new ClamAV and a working 
>>>> "clamavmodule" virus scanner.
>>>> Please tell me how you get on with this.
>>>> All my mods are in the "JKF" subdirectory of the Mail-ClamAV-0.20 
>>>> directory.
>>>> Jules
>>> Julian,
>>> I noticed your easy Clam+SA install script didn't ask me if I wanted 
>>> to install SA and it just did...  I don't really mind because that 
>>> was on a test system, but is there still a DNS performance problem 
>>> with SA 3.2.3?
>>> I looked at patch 
>>> but 
>>> couldn't figure out if it was still needed.  If so, I guess it has to 
>>> be applied to the installation dir and then run the install stuff 
>>> (perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install)?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Denis
>> OK, I experimented a bit with SA 3.2.3 and patch 5589.  Indeed, it has 
>> to be applied to the initial directory (patch -p0 
>> <sa-async-5-5589.patch) and then perl Makefile.PL, make, make test and 
>> make install.
>> I did not dare installing it because I got many errors in the make 
>> test run:
>> Failed Test           Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> t/spamc_optC.t                       9    4  44.44%  2 4 6 8
>> t/spamc_optL.t                      16   16 100.00%  1-16
>> t/spamd_protocol_10.t               10    2  20.00%  9-10
>> 34 tests skipped.
>> Failed 3/141 test scripts, 97.87% okay. 22/1974 subtests failed, 
>> 98.89% okay.
>> make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
> My easy-install ClamAV+SpamAssassin package doesn't do any of the spamc 
> or spamd tests as MailScanner doesn't use them anyway. So I don't care 
> about errors with those tests, I don't run them in the first place :-)
>> I tried "./spamassassin --lint -D < spam.msg"  and it seemed to work 
>> fine but I will have to investigate some more before going into 
>> production.  After all, I am almost on Christmas leave...
>> May all of you have a nice Christmas holiday (if it applies).  
>> Contrary to last year's Christmas, this one will be a nice white 
>> Christmas under loads of snow!
> Merry Christmas to you too!
> Doesn't look like we're getting any snow any time soon :-( All pictures 
> of snow are most welcome :-)
Can't help with snow here. California, USA.
But rain I have plenty of!  ;-P

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