Mail::ClamAV 0.20 patched to build with ClamAV 0.92

DAve dave.list at
Thu Dec 20 22:07:50 GMT 2007

Julian Field wrote:
> DAve wrote:
>> Julian Field wrote:
>>> Merry Christmas to you too!
>>> Doesn't look like we're getting any snow any time soon :-( All pictures 
>>> of snow are most welcome :-)
>>> Jules
>> We got plenty...
>> Wishing everyone a silent pager for the next couple of days.
> Anyone fancy writing a new version of "Silent Night" along the same theme...
>> DAve
> Jules

Silent pager, quiet cell
Noc is calm, fiber is well
Blackberries are charged, no messages arrived
Queues are empty, the traffic is light
Email is spam free again
Email is spam free again

Two more verses to go, someone else step up to the plate. I have one
more ticket open today ;^)


Google finally, after 7 years, provided a logo for
veterans. Thank you Google. What to do with my signature now?

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