Can't upgrade some perl modules

Greg Matthews gmatt at
Tue Dec 18 16:59:37 GMT 2007

Jason Ede wrote:
>> I did a MailScanner reinstall to confirm everything was ok (I was
>> told MailScanner was already installed).  All has been working
>> fine.
> I did same thing... Happens each time I run yum update. Keep meaning
> to write a little script to remove problem perl modules... Its a pain
> having to do this each time want to run yum though.

alternatively, this works:

rpm -e perl-Syslog perl-Math-BigInt perl-Math-BigRat perl-bignum
yum update -y

assuming you kept the rpms you can then:

cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/noarch
rpm -i --force ./perl-bignum-0.21-1.noarch.rpm \
		./perl-Math-BigInt-1.86-1.noarch.rpm \
		./perl-Math-BigRat-0.19-1.noarch.rpm \

which is basically what JF's install script does anyway (once its built 
them from source).

Its not pretty. I suppose the alternative is install and maintain your 
own perl distribution with all the required modules at the required 
revisions. Sounds like much more work.


> Jason

Greg Matthews           01491 692445
Head of UNIX/Linux, iTSS Wallingford

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