Outbound spam prevention & reaction

Scott Silva ssilva at sgvwater.com
Wed Dec 12 19:42:05 GMT 2007

on 12/12/2007 9:59 AM A&M ImpacT [W. Kranenborg] spake the following:
> I don't accept mail for unknown recipients. Spammers send mail from an
> emailadres of one of our customers. 20% of the mail to scan for them are
> bounces of spam with the customers email-adress.
> Don't pay attention to my bad englisch.
> Greets Wessel
If you have a separate outbound server you can also have strict rules of what 
ip addresses to accept mail from. If they are your customer, their ip 
addresses should be info you have. Spammers can fake the address easily, but 
it is very difficult to fake the ip address that is connecting. Or you can 
force your customers to have to auth to your server, or use certificates, or 
whatever other system you can think of and support easily.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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