Outbound spam prevention & reaction

Ugo Bellavance ugob at lubik.ca
Wed Dec 12 16:32:52 GMT 2007

John Wilcock wrote:
> J Bacher wrote:
>> Ugo Bellavance wrote:
>>>     - Using the 'bounce' setting in MailScanner so that spam senders 
>>> are notified (for false positives).  A "forward" rule could also be 
>>> used to alert someone
>> When forged spam email comes through, your server will be spamming 
>> someone else (that didn't originate the email).   If you're worried 
>> about being blacklisted, this should be on your list of "never do".
> ... except if you use a ruleset to only bounce spam for internal IP 
> addresses.

That was the plan...  But if it uses forged addresses, even if I bounce 
for internal IP address, I might be bouncing back to the internet, right?


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