problems with mail queuing up

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at
Tue Dec 11 11:59:08 GMT 2007

On 11/12/2007, Harondel J. Sibble <mailscanner at> wrote:
> On 11 Dec 2007 at 8:16, Jason Ede wrote:
> > Ummm... You aren't by any chance running postfix in a chroot jail are you?
> Nope
Really? No "y" in the fourth column of Perhaps fo just one
or two lines? So that you have a "mixed" setup, where some try run in
the jail, some don't ...? (Depending on which, one might see a problem

> > I've tended to see those logs when the files in the chroot jail that postfix
> > needs haven't been updated (or if there is something else running on port
> > 25)
> It is responding on 25 as telnetting to the box works.

Right, so smtpd works, kind of. But the interraction between qmgr and
smtp (and scache etc) don't... Might be a fifo file (permission/-like)

> > If you are then try a service postfix restart and post the postfix logs at
> > that time up here...
> Dec 11 00:36:19 cyclops postfix/postfix-script: stopping the Postfix mail
> system
> Dec 11 00:36:19 cyclops postfix/master[17913]: terminating on signal 15
> Dec 11 00:36:20 cyclops postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail
> system
> Dec 11 00:36:20 cyclops postfix/master[18324]: daemon started -- version
> 2.2.10, configuration /etc/postfix
Do you employ split log files? If so, is there anything in the
error/warning files at that time?

When you stop postfix, does all the PF processes die? If not, what
state are they in?

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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