MailScanner --lint doesn't check Eicar virus - OK here!

shuttlebox shuttlebox at
Fri Dec 7 10:04:52 GMT 2007

On Dec 7, 2007 10:41 AM, Julian Field <MailScanner at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I don't really want to upgrade the copy of MIME-tools I use to the
> latest, as it now requires Perl 5.8. This will royally screw many of the
> Solaris users out there who only have Perl 5.6 available.
> If anyone has any thoughts on this, I'm all ears...

And there is no way MS can support both versions of MIME-tools? I was
wondering about that regarding Mail-tools as well, to use 4.66 do we
have to have Mail-tools 2.02 or is it OK with the older versions?


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