MailTools and MailScanner...

Scott Silva ssilva at
Wed Dec 5 17:41:33 GMT 2007

on 12/5/2007 4:48 AM Randal, Phil spake the following:
> I've just tested MailScanner-4.66.2-1 on CentOS 5 with the latest
> perl-MailTools-2.02 (from rpmforge) and it appears to work fine.
> Thanks Jules.
> Cheers,
Yes, it is in the changelog;
5/12/2007 New in Version 4.66.2-1
* New Features and Improvements *
1 New optional configuration setting "Syslog Socket Type". By default this is
   left blank, as it will work it out according to the operating system you
   are using. Some Solaris users may want to set this to "native".
1 Addition of new message property for use by MailWatch 2.
1 Update of Sophos.install for Sophos version 6.
2 Updated to handle new MailTools 2.02. This includes the use of several new
   Perl modules, so you'll have to use the to install all the
   requirements of the new MailTools code (unless you are doing clever things
   with yum repositories).

Julian might be too busy to hit the list yet.

MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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