cut off by spamhaus free use?

Scott Silva ssilva at
Tue Dec 4 18:59:28 GMT 2007

on 12/4/2007 7:55 AM Denis Beauchemin spake the following:
> Scott Silva a écrit :
>> on 12/3/2007 11:35 AM Denis Beauchemin spake the following:
>>> Jeff A. Earickson a écrit :
>>>> On Mon, 3 Dec 2007, Jeff Mills wrote:
>>>>> Yes!
>>>>> One of the things I have done in my servers is move the spamhaus 
>>>>> list to
>>>>> the bottom of my list of RBL's.
>>>>> That way, spamhaus is only queried when none of the others match. I 
>>>>> find
>>>>> that spamcop gets more than the others.
>>> I did the same and so far it is still working:
>> I would move cbl right above zen, as they also have a usage limit.
> I didn't see any on their web site...
I swear I saw something implying that if you needed a feed from spamhaus, you 
probably needed a feed from them, but I sure can't find it... 
MUST....GET....COFFEE.....  ;-P
Going to have a look at the script, as I get 0 every time.

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