Releaseing mail from quarantine (wiki instructions didn't work)

Richard Frovarp Richard.Frovarp at
Wed Aug 29 17:36:16 IST 2007

Chris W. Parker wrote:
> Hello,
> First issue is that I've got an email that is being quarantined because
> it is claimed to be "nested too deeply".
> To release it from the quarantine I referred to
> . It says to simply copy the qf/df file pair of the offending email into
> the outgoing queue. But when I do that nothing happens. The email just
> sits there in the queue whilst other emails (that are received and found
> to be clean) come and go through the queue. I finally restarted
> MailScanner and that seemed to get the message on its way. Which brings
> me to the second issue... After MailScanner restarted it was quarantined
> again for the same problem. Back to square one.
> I'd like to suggest that the wiki be updated with more complete
> instructions since, unless my system is out of the norm, those
> instructions very lacking. It doesn't mention the need to restart
> MailScanner and simply copying the qf/df files to the outgoing queue
> merely results in the email(s) being quarantined again.
Are you sure you copied it to the outgoing queue? MailScanner won't read 
files out of there. It should only be checking the incoming queue.

> Another part in this puzzle is that the message was larger than the "Max
> Spam Check Size = 150000" limit. Could this be related?

That should cause the message to be skipped from being checked for spam 
by SA. Sounds like it probably was as ClamAV is what was triggering on 
this message.

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