list of variables which can be used in reports

Denis Beauchemin Denis.Beauchemin at
Wed Aug 29 14:42:27 IST 2007

Gareth a écrit :
> Is there a list of variables that can be used in reports anywhere?
> I have a look in the book and on wiki but could not find anything.
> In particular I would like to change the inline spam report so that it
> also reports the total spamassassin score.
> Thanks
> Gareth

No need to modify MS if you use "$longspamreport" in your report.  I 
added the following to spam.assassin.prefs.conf and it becomes the new 
report Détails de l'analyse du message:   (_HITS_ points, _REQD_ requis)
report pts  nom de la règle        description
report ---- ---------------------- 
report _SUMMARY_

The _HITS_ prints the total SA score, while _REQD_ prints the required 


  °v°   Denis Beauchemin, analyste
 /(_)\  Université de Sherbrooke, S.T.I.
  ^ ^   T: 819.821.8000x62252 F: 819.821.8045

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