Clam and Phishing.Heuristics.Email.SpoofedDomain

Gareth list-mailscanner at
Fri Aug 24 09:21:23 IST 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 22:08, Scott Silva wrote:
> Gareth spake the following on 8/23/2007 11:04 AM:
> > Are you using clamavmodule by any chance?
> > 
> Yes I am. I thought about using clamd, but don't have enough volume to be
> worth the extra work.

Ok the problem is causes by a new clamav feature and unfortunetly in the
clamavlib the option is enabled by default (equivilent to having
--no-phishing-restrictedscan option set on clamscan) whereas everywhere
else it is disabled. Attached is a new copy of which
turns the option off when calling clamavmodule and rectifies the
problem. Jules has already fixed the issue in his development copy.
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