How can MailScanner "push back"?

ram ram at
Fri Aug 24 06:09:30 IST 2007

On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 16:14 -0400, Leland J. Steinke wrote:
> Julian Field wrote:
> > I don't know how hard it is to write a postfix policy daemon :-)
> > 
> Actually, "he who shall not be named" provides a sample policy daemon 
> with the postfix source.

I havent done policy daemons before, but it seems to to be trivial. 
One could use milters too, postfix 2.3 above support milters without 
hassles , I use a custom milter myself, but not for slowing down mails 

Slowing down mails I do by adjusting weights on the load balancer with a
simple perl script 


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