fell off the wagon, climbing back on

Hugo van der Kooij hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org
Thu Aug 23 06:51:06 IST 2007

On Wed, 22 Aug 2007, Michael St. Laurent wrote:

>> Tell the name of your sin brother and then you may be
>> absolved. Welcome
>> back ;)
> Hi, my name is Mike and I'm a Sysadmin.

There are sins beyond ....
The sins of the fathers do not aply so it isn't your name ;-)


 	hvdkooij at vanderkooij.org	http://hugo.vanderkooij.org/
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 	Some men see computers as they are and say "Windows"
 	I use computers with Linux and say "Why Windows?"
 	(Thanks JFK, for this quote of George Bernard Shaw.)

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