DCC not working

Glenn Steen glenn.steen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 11:52:57 IST 2007

On 22/08/07, Gareth <list-mailscanner at linguaphone.com> wrote:
> I installed DCC and have got to the stage where a debug shows that it is
> able to query the servers :-
> | grep dcc
> [12550] dbg: dcc: network tests on, registering DCC
> [12550] dbg: config: fixed relative path:
> /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002003/updates_spamassassin_org/25_dcc.cf
> [12550] dbg: config: using
> "/var/lib/spamassassin/3.002003/updates_spamassassin_org/25_dcc.cf" for
> included file
> [12550] dbg: config: read file
> /var/lib/spamassassin/3.002003/updates_spamassassin_org/25_dcc.cf
> [12550] dbg: dcc: dccifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found
> [12550] dbg: util: executable for dccproc was found at
> /usr/local/bin/dccproc
> [12550] dbg: dcc: dccproc is available: /usr/local/bin/dccproc
> [12550] dbg: dcc: opening pipe: /usr/local/bin/dccproc -H -x 0 -a
> < /tmp/.spamassassin12550Adpfnktmp
> [12550] dbg: dcc: got response: X-DCC--Metrics: mailscanner 1114; Body=1
> Fuz1=1 Fuz2=1
> X-DCC-CTc-dcc2-Metrics: gecko.npgx.com.au 1031; Body=0 Fuz1=0 Fuz2=0
> fMHId05XuL20k3PgNVdccAIexF9wrelX4WoQqkZVRwRKBxIuxyjID3j+fcRaSyFJGGEod8EFk2xW
> However I have left it overnight and in the 1000 or so emails I have
> received in that time there has not been a single hit.
> Any ideas what could be wrong?
Check that it works for postfix/postfix user. Usual SA test (-t -D <
testmessage) should reveal any problems.

-- Glenn
email: glenn < dot > steen < at > gmail < dot > com
work: glenn < dot > steen < at > ap1 < dot > se

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