sophos update installs crontab entry

Mark Nienberg gmane at
Mon Aug 20 20:46:49 IST 2007

Julian Field wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Mark Nienberg wrote:
>> I noticed that the following recently appeared in my root crontab, 
>> presumably after MailScanner updated sophos v5:
>> 3-59/5 * * * * /opt/sophos-av/bin/savupdate
>> This runs a sophos update every 5 minutes and doesn't do the locking 
>> that MailScanner does, so it is probably best to delete it and allow 
>> MailScanner to take care of updates.
>> I wonder if it is possible to modify the sophos-autoupdate script to 
>> remove this entry if savupdate creates it?
> Done, but not in sophos-autoupdate. I have also disabled and switched 
> off the Sophos daemons as you don't need any of them running, they just 
> waste resources and generated yet more unwanted syslog output.
> These changes will be in the Sophos.install in the next release.

That is a nice improvement to Sophos.install.

I guess you are saying that we need to monitor crontab and manually remove the 
savupdate whenever it reappears?  The crontab entry was put there during the initial 
Sophos installation but I had removed it many months ago.  It reappeared recently, 
though I have made no changes to my Sophos installation.


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