Performance between SpamAssassin 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 and 3.2.3

Rose, Bobby brose at
Tue Aug 14 14:36:11 IST 2007

Has anyone noticed a performance hit going from SA 3.2.1 to the latest
versions.  I noticed it last month with 3.2.2 but didn't have time to
investigate so I rolled back to 3.2.1.  Last week, I applied SA 3.2.3
and I'm seeing the same thing where my inbound queue slowly keeps
growing.  I've been using MailScanner and SA for years and I'm pretty
familiar with how it all works so it's not a newbie issue.

If I look at the processing times based on MailScanner logging, with
3.2.3 I see triple digits (between 200 - 400 seconds) for batches of 30
but if roll back to 3.2.1 then it falls to double digits lower than 60

Has anyone else noticed such a problem?


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